Depths of Depravity Read online

Page 4

  “Thanks, Roy. Maybe you just caught him on a bad night.”

  “I’ll try again tomorrow but honestly, Victoria, I don’t think there’s anything here. I think that thing about billionaires being really eccentric is something you read about in books.”

  “Yeah, maybe you’re right. I should probably look somewhere else for something to write about. I’ll be in the office in a few days if I can’t come up with anything.”

  “Good luck, Victoria.”

  “Yeah, same to you.”

  I hung my phone up in disappointment. I tossed it back onto my desk and rubbed the back of my neck. I thought it was going to be easy. Defeated, I headed over to my couch and plopped myself in front of the television. I flipped through the channels in search of something to take my mind off of everything. At the same time, I looked for something to spur my imagination.

  “There has to be something in this stupid city that needs investigating,” I muttered to myself. “I’m just not looking in the right places.”

  I was trying to make something out of nothing. And just when I thought it was going to be easy…

  * * *

  Over the next few days, I failed to come up with any ideas. The number I called didn’t answer my phone calls. I tried using a different phone but still failed to get any response. I didn’t have any other ideas for a piece.

  I headed back to the office in search of another lead and to find out if Roy had managed to find out anything interesting about Mr. Schrader.

  “Victoria, what are you doing here?” Lily said as I walked by her cubicle.

  “I’m just checking in on a few things. I think Roy might have something for me.”

  “Twice in three days. Victoria, it’s not like you to be around here so often. If you need some help, I’ve got some things that might interest you.”

  “Hold that thought. I might have to take you up on that offer.”

  I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to. Lily dealt exclusively in gossip that I considered sensational. The last thing I wanted to do was write about something that I wasn’t interested in.

  I headed toward Roy’s workstation and it was cluttered with photos and equipment like it usually was. His face was close to his monitor while he examined the image in front of him.

  “So, what have you got for me, Roy?” I said to him.

  I leaned up against the wall of his cubicle while he spun around in his chair.

  “Victoria, I have something for you but I don’t think it’s what you’re looking for.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that. What is it?”

  “Well, this is what I got of him.”

  He pushed himself away from his desk and pointed at one of the monitors. There was a collection of photographs of Landon. They were much better quality than the sole image I saw earlier but they still looked like they had been taken from a distance. Each of the photos seemed to capture a candid moment of Landon though there wasn’t anything particularly interesting about them.

  “You took a lot of photos of him,” I said.

  “I did. But that’s not the point. You wanted me to follow him.”


  “Well, I followed him out of his office building just like you said. Then he headed home. I don’t know why I did but I figured I would stick around for a little bit. Before I knew it, I saw a limo leaving his mansion. I followed him.”

  “W-where did it go?”

  “Right here,” he pointed at another one of his monitors. “Platinum.”

  “Platinum? What is that?”

  “It’s a… It’s a… I don’t know how to say it… Gentleman’s establishment?”

  “It’s a strip club.”

  “Well, yeah, I guess you could say that.”

  I looked closer at the photo of Platinum. I had never heard of it before. But then again, I never paid any attention to the entertainment available in the city.

  “Did you stick with him?” I asked.

  “Yeah. He spent a few hours there then headed back home. He was by himself. Like I said, Victoria. It’s something but I don’t think it’s anything you can work with. Sorry.”

  I looked at the photo of the club. Then I scanned all of the photos Roy had taken of Landon. I was beginning to concede defeat. There wasn’t really much for me to go on.

  “Maybe… Wait a minute. I think you’ve got something, Roy.”

  “What? What is it?”

  “It’s this club. Landon went to this strip club for a reason.”

  “So he was looking for a good time. How much investigating do you need to figure that out?”

  “Yeah but it’s not that simple. Look at all of these photos.”

  I started pointing out everything else to Roy. In all of the photos he had taken of Landon, there were other people surrounding him.

  “Who are these people?” I said. “They’re not just security guards. These are other rich guys. These guys have just as much money as he does.”

  “I still don’t see what the story is here, Victoria. It’s clear why they’re going there.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Roy. It’s clear why they’re going here. But it’s not clear why they’re going here.”

  “…You lost me, Victoria”

  “Never mind. You don’t have to worry about it any longer. The story is inside of the club and I doubt they’re going to let you take any photos. Thank you so much for your help, Roy.”

  I had gotten my lead. Platinum was just as much of a story as Landon was. This was bigger than him. And since I didn’t have to focus entirely on one individual, I knew exactly whom to turn to.

  I headed back to Lily’s cubicle and she was there to greet me.

  “Back so soon,” she said to me. “Still need something to work on?”

  “I’ve already got it, Lily. But I do need your help.”

  “You know, if you keep using my data and sources, I’m going to have to start charging you.”

  “Oh, come on, Lily. That’s what friends are for. Besides, this is the last thing I’m going to ask you for on this piece I’m working on.”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “You follow all of the celebrities and people who are in and out of this city.”


  “Do any of them frequent Platinum?”

  “Uh, of course they do. It’s the most expensive strip club in the city.”

  “What else can you tell me about it?”

  “I don’t know,” she shrugged. “I’ve never been there. I just know that it’s reserved for the elite. I’m sure Roy’s got dozens of photos of famous men and women walking in and out of it.”

  “Right. And I’m sure you’ve ran a few columns talking about some of them doing some unsavory things in there.”

  “Well, I can’t confirm what actually goes on in the place. Like I said, I’ve never been there. But it’s clear that it’s not a place meant for men or women who are already in a monogamous relationship.”

  “Okay,” I nodded. “That’s what I needed.”

  “You needed to know that men go to strip clubs to get their rocks off?”

  “Not just any men. Rich, affluent men.”

  “The best kind of men.”

  Lily smirked at me. I laughed not just from the look on her face but from the relief of finally getting somewhere.

  “Thanks, Lily.”

  I headed out of the office and quickly headed home to get started. I was full of energy and a renewed enthusiasm. My next destination was clear. I had to get ready for a trip to Platinum. I knew that it wasn’t just some ordinary strip club. With so much money flying around, there had to be a story here. Now I just needed to figure out what that story was. If things didn’t go as planned with Landon, I was sure that I would stumble across someone or something just as interesting. The angle I took with my investigation was flexible. I just needed to dig and find out the biggest secret I could.

  Chapter 5

his wasn’t the first time I had to spend time in a place that was unsavory, to say the least. But if you want to find out all of the little details, you have to go to the place that’s the shadiest. I could only hope that there was enough light for me to see in even the darkest corners of Platinum. Maybe I wouldn’t learn anything specific about Landon Schrader. But at the very least, I was going to find out exactly what made the place so special. There had to be something to write about in Platinum. There was a story here. I was going to find it.

  It had been awhile since I went out on the town. Even though this was for an assignment, it didn’t mean I could slack off. I still had to dress the part. I searched my wardrobe for the perfect outfit.

  “Something sexy but not trashy… Something classy but not reserved…”

  I never planned on heading out to a strip club, let alone by myself. But this was the direction all of my instincts were pointing me in. If I’d have known that this is what my gut was going to tell me, I would have gone shopping. I opened my closet completely and there buried in the back of it was a slightly wrinkled black dress I had worn only a few days ago. It was the same dress I was wearing when John dumped me. I took a moment to myself to try and forget the memory that was still fresh.

  It’s time to let him go and make some new memories.

  I smiled as I pulled the dress out and squeezed myself into it. I was desperate to associate the dress with something, anything, besides the time my boyfriend left me. I looked in the mirror and laid everything on more than usual. I pulled my brown hair back away from my face then tied it up over my head. One last glance in the mirror confirmed that everything else was in the right place.

  “Now what?”

  I grabbed my purse then hopped into my heels and sauntered toward the front door. Just as I reached it, I suddenly remembered the most important thing. I headed back to my desk and pulled the digital recorder from the top drawer. With all of my tools in place, I headed out into the night and toward my destination.

  Platinum was located just on the edge of downtown. Once you got past all of the skyscrapers and traffic, there was a small black building located just a few blocks away. It was a sole building with a massive parking lot that was filled with nothing but limousines, overpriced sports cars and luxury sedans. Only the truly wealthy actually spent their time out here. I didn’t know much else about it because I never stepped inside of the building. There was never any need. As I headed into the parking lot in my old beat-up coupe, I wondered why I never considered doing a piece on a place like this. There was bound to be something or somebody interesting inside.

  I immediately got a sense of the type of crowd this place attracted. The building was lined with nothing but security. Burly men dressed in suits two sizes too small for them stood like towers around the doors. The affluent men I saw in Roy’s photos were scrutinized before they headed in. These weren’t your average guys just looking for a good time. These were men who had an air about them that was regal and arrogant.

  I took a deep breath and gathered myself.

  “All right, Victoria. This is not a big deal. You can do this. Find the story.”

  I was doing my best to calm myself down and psych myself up all at the same time. As an investigative reporter, I had to constantly remind myself that everything would be worth it as long as I got to the truth. That was more important than anything. It was my obligation. My own discomfort and hesitation was something I had to put off to the side.

  Nothing I said to myself worked like I had planned it to. As I walked toward the entrance, the butterflies began to flutter around in my stomach. I was fighting off my nervousness while trying to look like I belonged in a place like this. I got in line behind a few gentlemen. They were good-looking but generally nondescript businessmen. I thought about Lauren when she said there were tons of men in the city that worked in offices like my now ex-boyfriend. I never imagined I would run into a couple of them so quickly. But they ignored me as the line moved.

  When I got to the front, the bouncer eyeballed me up and down. He was just as imposing as the rest of the security guards. He had to look over his chest to see that I was standing there. Even in my heels, I barely reached his stomach. I stared up at him and held my ground.

  “You have an ID?” he said to me.

  “Oh, right. ID. Let me see…”

  I dug around in my purse to search for some identification. It wasn’t as simple as pulling out my driver’s license though. I had to find the right one. Right now, I wasn’t a reporter. I was a woman just looking for a good time. When I handed him my ID, he stared at the photo. He twisted it back and forth to make sure that it was real then looked back at me. It was a fake but the guy I bought it from was an expert at making it look authentic.

  “…All right,” the bouncer said. “Have you ever been in Platinum before?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Women’s cover is one-hundred dollars.”


  I was shocked at the price. He stared at me and repeated what he just said except slower.

  “Women’s cover is one-hundred dollars. Or you can pay the men’s cover if you want.”

  “How much is that?”


  Men were paying five-hundred dollars just to get in here. There had to be something going on inside. I had to stop myself from choking. I had never heard of any place, anywhere, having a cover charge that high. I looked around in search of some other way to get into the club without having to pay the price.

  I stared back at the bouncer then tried to give him an excuse without letting him know who I was.

  “Listen,” I said. “What’s your name?”


  “Bran, I’m not actually here for the same reason as these other men.”

  “It doesn’t matter. If you want to get inside, you have to pay the cover. Unless you’re talking about working here.”

  “Yes. Yes, that’s why I’m here.”

  I said it without hesitating. I didn’t plan on actually seeking employment here but the opportunity presented itself. I had to take it. Bran handed my ID back to me then eyeballed me once again. My role had switched from casual observer to hopeful stripper. I stared back at him seductively, hoping that he wouldn’t see through the facade. Bran sighed then looked back into the club.

  “I don’t know if Franklin’s actually looking for new talent but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Follow this man and he’ll take you inside.”

  Bran pointed at one of his fellow security guards and I followed him inside. I had done it. I managed to get my way into the club without paying the exorbitant cover charge. I didn’t get in the way I had hoped but I convinced myself that maybe this was for the best. Maybe I could learn more about the inner workings of the club if I actually worked here.

  As soon as I stepped inside, I finally got to see all of Platinum for myself. In front of me, a thin woman spun around on a pole on a small stage while men sat around a railing. They showered her with dollar bills as she did her best to show off her flexibility. Behind her were two similar stages where the same thing was happening. It was everything I was expecting. But there was more than just the women pole-dancing.

  I looked up and watched as two women danced in cages. They shook and gyrated their bodies to the beat of the low music that was wafting through the air. The dim red lights made it look like they were just silhouettes dancing against a background.

  To the side, there was a bar. The same two men that were in front of me in line were busy chatting with a couple of scantily clad women. The vixens giggled and laughed as the men spoke to them with huge smiles on their faces. I couldn’t tell if they were actually enjoying the men’s company or if they were setting them up for something else.

  On the other side, there were men sitting on long couches. Each one of them had their arms around a girl while they enjoyed the show on the stages in front of them. There were bottles of champagne all over the t
able and empty glasses indicated that there was cause for celebration.

  The one thing I noticed more than anything was that the men all seemed to be cut from the same cloth. It was the same thing I saw outside in line and the same thing I saw in Roy’s photographs. They were all dressed in suits like this was some kind of formal party. Not a single one of them looked like he earned less than a six-figure salary. I suppose that made sense considering the steep cost just to get in.

  “Wait right here.”

  The security guard instructed me to stand at a spot at the edge of the bar. He disappeared behind a door shortly after. I stood there and observed the atmosphere of the club while patiently waiting for him to return. After taking everything in, I finally remembered that I was suddenly being set-up for a job interview. I had to remain focused.

  Look for the story… Look for the story…

  I tried to remain as inconspicuous as I could. It was hard to differentiate one man from the next. All of them looked like they were someone important. If one of them walked up to me and told me that he was the owner of a large and successful company, I would find it hard to doubt him.

  At the same time, all of the women looked like they belonged in the company of these kind of men. All of them were just nothing more than a matching pair of underwear. Their bodies were nearly flawless. It wasn’t just the lighting. Their figures were something that I was envious of. On stage, I could see how firm their bodies were from how they worked the poll. There wasn’t a single part of them that was sagging and there wasn’t a blemish to be found. I was beginning to think that I wouldn’t even make it through the interview.

  I was beginning to wonder where the security guard was. He disappeared behind the door and didn’t return for longer than I was expecting. I leaned against the bar and after taking everything in, found myself bored. I wanted to walk around to see if there was anything to write home about but I was worried the bouncer would return and kick me out. I looked down at my feet and tried to think of something to pass the time.

  “You look bored.”

  I jerked my head up and saw a man leaning against the bar next to me. I narrowed my eyes softly as I stared at him. I was doing my best to try and get a good look at him. The lighting of the club wasn’t perfect but after a few seconds, I was finally able to see him clearly.